Comic Superhero

If you want to learn to speak my native tounge "Grumbleaze" you will need to learn the rudimentary basics of my language. Now while it may take you many, many, many years to become fluent in Grumbleaze don't dispair you'll get it eventually.

Alright let's face it, you won't, you are going to have to ask Jimmy to translate for you (depending if he's in a good mood or not). Here are a few phrases to get you started:

  1. Grrrrrrrr
  2. Grumble Grrr grrrrrr
  3. Grumble Grumble Gr Gr
  4. Grrrr Grumble Grrrr
  5. Gr Gr Grumble Grumble
  6. Grumble Gr Grumble Gr
  1. "Stop Bothering Me I'm not a morning dog!"
  2. "I'd like a treat please!"
  3. "Mmmmm Cotton Candy...."
  4. "No, I'm not Getting Up"
  5. "Where's My Irby?"
  6. "Take Me to the Park - Shlomo!"

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